Lunar Eclipse - 26th of May

On Wednesday the 26th of May we will be hosting an evening to watch the Lunar eclipse that evening. We will be updating this page soon with more details including pricing and a more detailed itinerary of the evening.

The event will begin at 7:30 p.m. with a talk on from Guest Speaker Piripi (Phillip) Lambert. More details below.

The lunar eclipse itself will begin at 9:45pm and will be at it’s maximum at 11:18pm. It will end at 12:52 am in the early hours of the 27th.

The talk will be going ahead on the night regardless of the weather. If the sky is fully or partially clear we will be observing the eclipse from 9:45pm onward.

Please check back soon for an Eventbrite link for signing up and more information about the evening.

Book now on Eventbrite

Prices are $5 for Children and $10 for Adults


We look forward to seeing you there. As always please dress appropriately for the cold evening. For more details on the eclipse timing you can visit the link below:

Guest Speaker: Piripi (Phillip) Lambert

[Please Note this lecture will be filmed for Television by attending you accept that you may be captured on film however the focus will be on the presenter and not the audience]

Piripi will be delivering a public lecture on the 26th of May at 7:30pm at the Hamilton Astronomical Society Observatory on Matariki and Tainui korero on the Stars.

It will cover the astronomical significance of the Tainui waka as a vessel of the migration and as an astronomical constellation and its connection to Matariki and the Maramataka. This will lead into korero on Star Navigation and how our tupuna may have navigated across Te Moana a Kiwa. (This is not fully understood yet.

The current star navigation method used today in the Pacific comes from the Hawaiian hybrid system taught to our current navigators in Aotearoa.) We will look at the significant Tainui cosmological whakapapa of the Mata-ririki or the 12 Whetu Ariki. This will tie in nicely with korero of Te Miringa te Kakara.