Members Only Event
Introduction to the Universe - a monthly astronomy talk.
An additional night for members, second Wednesday of each month.
For Hamilton Astronomical Society members only.
Tonight’s Topic: The Building Blocks of the Universe
Speaker: Jonathan Park (Hamilton Astronomical Society)
What is everything made up of on the smallest scales? We know what an atom is, but what are atoms made of, and what are the components of atoms made of? How far down does it go? Keeping things simple, we look at these tiniest of building blocks and how they relate to astronomy. For example, you will learn about the fusion of hydrogen into helium in the centre of stars, which includes our Sun. You may even be shocked to learn what is happening inside the nucleus of every atom in the universe! Other areas to be briefly discussed in the context of these fascinating tiny particles will include cosmic rays, and the initial formation of particles in the early universe.
The talk will be aimed at the beginner, so if you have heard of atoms, you are definitely ready to come along and learn more.
**Masks are no longer required, however you may wear a mask if you would like to. We respect anyone’s right to wear a mask if they wish to.