Event for HAS Members
Introduction to the Universe - a monthly astronomy talk.
An additional night for members, second Wednesday of each month (except December and January).
Tonight’s Talk
Establishing a U.S. Base on the Moon: Timing and Challenges
Speaker: Chris Benton (from Auckland Astronomical Society)
There’s now a strong sentiment in the aerospace community and many sectors of society that it’s time humans leave the confines of our planet to explore the Moon and, eventually, Mars. But this time, we mine precious resources and set up long-term bases with the goal of staying. It won’t be easy, won’t be cheap, and will involve creating new technologies. Such an ambitious project carries many other challenges, too, the least of which will be international competition to reach and tap water sources.
This lecture will identify and expose all of the “big picture” challenges to be faced, met, and overcome all within NASA’s incredible 2030 timeline for its Artemis Program.