Welcome to the Hamilton Astronomical Society (HAS)!

We encourage you to get involved and share the joy of astronomy, telescopes, the company of like-minded people, and the running of the Society. You don’t need a telescope to be a member; you don’t even have to have astronomy knowledge – all that is required is an interest in astronomy.

The Hamilton Astronomical Society has members interested in visual observing, astrophotography, making telescopes, science education and learning about astronomy in general. Our members enjoy discussing interests, collaborating on projects, and sharing in the joy of exploring the night sky. Please feel welcome and included, and don’t be afraid to ask many questions. We are all in this together and enjoy answering questions on everything from basic science through to new and challenging concepts and discoveries.

We always welcome suggestions – these might be in any area at all – our website, letting people know we are here, activities for members, the newsletter, or anything else you think of.

Members’ (Society) Nights

We meet at 7:30 pm on the second Wednesday of each month (except January) for a talk by a member or guest speaker. Topics include general astronomy, the Solar System, the history of astronomy, astrobiology, and many other space science topics. These talks usually run for 45 to 60 minutes, followed by informal questions and discussion. There is usually also time afterwards for tea or coffee and a chance to meet and chat with other members.

Keep an eye out for more information about our events in the monthly newsletter.

For our Young Members

Some time ago, we started our “Young Astronomers Evening for Members.” The Young Astronomers evening is on the third Wednesday of each month, starting at 7:00 pm during winter and 7:30 pm during daylight saving months. Children from 8 to 16 years of age are welcome but must be accompanied by an adult (parental supervision is required). These are usually about one hour long and are taken by David Bland and Stephen Chibnall.

Public Nights (free for members)

The Society has a public outreach night on the first Wednesday of each month (except January). These evenings involve an educational talk on space and, weather permitting, lots of observing. The nights begin at 8:30 pm during daylight saving time and 7:30 pm for the remaining months.

The Society always needs volunteers to help with the telescopes, controlling anywhere from 10 to 100 people on the nights, and people to answer questions. These nights are a lot of fun to be involved in and are a great way to give back to our community in education and sharing our interests. It is very rewarding to see people look at a planet for the first time through a telescope! Public nights are also an excellent way for new and longer-time members to gain knowledge from the more experienced helpers.


We have a small library with books on stars, planets, telescope making, and much more for our members to use.

Website, Facebook, Instagram

You are on our website now, in the members area https://has.org.nz
We will notify members when this changes. Please do not share the password as it is for HAS members only.

Our Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/hasnz
or just go to Facebook and search for Hamilton Astronomical Society.

And our new Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/tronhas

New Year Barbecue

We begin the year with a social gathering in February. We meet at 6:30 pm on this evening, sometimes earlier. The Society provides food (meat, bread rolls, salads), while members bring their own drinks (no alcohol). The date is advertised closer to the time.


Most Society members enjoy observing the night sky. Hamilton Astronomical Society has several telescopes that we use for Society night observing and public nights. Members are encouraged to organise observing groups and attend dark sky weekends and camps. We often have members attending organised events around the country, so if you are interested in attending or organising an evening of observing, please make it known to other members.

This Society is your society; use it, take from it what you will, and give back to it what you can. We look forward to seeing you!

The Hamilton Observatory and home of the Hamilton Astronomical Society, next to Hamilton Zoo. One of the rare instances in the world where you will find an observatory right beside a zoo, and possibly the only observatory and astronomical society together in such an ideal location!

Kind Regards
Hamilton Astronomical Society